Hung Out


Do you ever feel like you don’t belong here? 

Like your living your whole life with a kind of fear. 

When you’re watching a movie or reading a book and you wish you could be transported into their world. 

Whether it be saving the world with your favorite heroes. 

Or learning magic and watching as the years go. 

There’s something comforting about these places. 

Where you’re met with some loved familiar faces.

 You know they wouldn’t judge you. 

They’d just want you to be you.

 I often find myself daydreaming about these comfortingly unfamiliar places. 

I wish I could be someone’s favorite character in their favorite  book. 

The hero in someone’s favorite movie.

 In reality I’m no one’s first choice. 

No one’s favorite. 

But in my dreams I’m the main character of the story.